Saturday, September 28, 2013

Implement captcha in static web page

 This below  code is very useful for static web page (Html). Implement captcha in static web page solving problem using iframe

How to implement captcha in static web page

Step 1 .  Make Form with captcha (Include two files - I js "jquery.min.js" and II Php "create_image.php" &&  also Loading images).
Create file "html-form-captcha.php" and Added Following Files
  1. ajax-loader.gif
  2. blank-loader.gif
  3. create_image.php
  4. jquery.min.js (Downlaod)

Step 2 .  Backend Code with Email Function Code using php
Create file "formsu.php" and Add Mail function PHP Code

Step 3 .  Simple Make js and Add url pass in  Iframe tage
Create file "formurlcall.js" and  Added  one file "html-form-captcha.php" in iframe code

Step 4.   Calling js in Static webpage (HTML)
Create file "form.html" and  Added  one file "formurlcall.js" in call js file in static Webpage

Main files
Step 1. html-form-captcha.php
Create file "html-form-captcha.php" and Added Following Files
  1. ajax-loader.gif
  2. blank-loader.gif
  3. create_image.php
  4. jquery.min.js (Downlaod)

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<title>HTML Form With captcha</title>

<script src="jquery.min.js" TYPE="text/Javascript"></script>
<script language="javascript">
function submitForm()
{var objForm=document.userForm;if(validateForm())
{$("#loadImg").attr('src','ajax-loader.gif');var order=$("#contact").serialize();$.post("formsu.php",order,function(theResponse){if(theResponse=='success')
{$("#loadImg").attr('src','blank-loader.gif');alert("Thanks You! submitted successfully.");objForm.fullname.value='';'';objForm.captcha.value='';reloadCaptcha();}
{$("#loadImg").attr('src','blank-loader.gif');alert("Error: "+theResponse);reloadCaptcha();}});}}
function reloadCaptcha()
{d=new Date();$("#captchacode").attr('src',"create_image.php?"+d.getTime());}
function validEmail(str)
{mailRE=new RegExp();mailRE.compile('^[\._a-z0-9-]+@[\.a-z0-9-]+[\.]{1}[a-z]{2,4}$','gi');return(mailRE.test(str));}
function validateForm(){if(document.userForm.fullname.value=="")
{alert("Put  your name");document.userForm.fullname.focus();return false;}
else if("")
{alert("Please enter Email ID");;return false;}
else if(validEmail({alert("Please Check your Email ID");
return false;}
else if(document.userForm.captcha.value=="")
{alert("Enter Security Code");document.userForm.captcha.focus();return false;}

return true;}</script>

<h1>Static web page with Implement Captcha </h1>
<div id="contact-form"  style="width:320px; height:150px; background:gray; overflow:hidden; padding:0 0 0 2px;">
<form name="userForm" id="contact" action="" method="post">
<table width="300" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="7">
<tr> <td width="100px">Name *</td> <td width="200px">
<input type="text" name="fullname" style="width:100px;height:20px;"/>
<tr> <td >Email *</td> <td >
<input type="text" name="email" style="width:100px;height:20px;" />
<tr> <td >Enter Code *</td> <td >
<img align="absmiddle" src="create_image.php" id="captchacode">&nbsp;<input type="text" name="captcha" value="" maxlength="4" style="width:100px;height:20px;" /><img align="absmiddle" src="blank-loader.gif" id="loadImg"  style=" position:relative; right:-60px; top:-20px;">
<tr><td  style="text-align:center; padding:0px 0 0 0px;">    <button  type="button" onclick="submitForm()">Go Add !</button> </td> </tr> </table>

Support Files create_image.php code

//Start the session so we can store what the security code actually is

//Send a generated image to the browser

function create_image()
    //Let's generate a totally random string using md5
    $md5_hash = md5(rand(0,999));
    //We don't need a 32 character long string so we trim it down to 5
    $security_code = substr($md5_hash, 15, 4);

    //Set the session to store the security code
    $_SESSION["security_code"] = $security_code;

    //Set the image width and height
    $width = 50;
    $height = 20; 

    //Create the image resource
    $image = ImageCreate($width, $height); 

    //We are making three colors, white, black and gray
    $white = ImageColorAllocate($image, 255, 255, 201);
    $black = ImageColorAllocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
    $grey = ImageColorAllocate($image, 204, 204, 204);

    //Make the background black
    ImageFill($image, 0, 0, $black);

    //Add randomly generated string in white to the image
    ImageString($image, 3, 10, 3, $security_code, $white);

    //Throw in some lines to make it a little bit harder for any bots to break
   // imageline($image, 0, $height/2, $width, $height/2, $grey);
    //imageline($image, $width/2, 0, $width/2, $height, $grey);

    //Tell the browser what kind of file is come in
    header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");

    //Output the newly created image in jpeg format
    //Free up resources

Step 2. formsu.php
Create file "formsu.php" and Add Mail function PHP Code

//Make sure that the input come from a posted form. Otherwise quit immediately
die("You can only reach this page by posting from the html form");

//Check if the securidy code and the session value are not blank
//and if the input text matches the stored text
if ( ($_REQUEST["captcha"] == $_SESSION["security_code"]) &&
(!empty($_REQUEST["captcha"]) && !empty($_SESSION["security_code"])) ) {
//  echo "<h1>Test successful!</h1>";
echo 'success';


$to = "";
$subject = "Admain Subjetc";
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n";
//$headers .= "Bcc: $bcc"."\r\n";

$headers .= "From: $email" . "\r\n";
$body = "Admin";

mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);
$to1 = $email;
$headers1  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers1 .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
$headers1 .= "From: $to" . "\r\n";
$subject1 = 'Thanks You :user';
$message="User Section";
mail($to1,  $subject1,  $message,  $headers1);

else {
echo 'code worng ';


Step 3 formurlcall.js
Create file "formurlcall.js" and  Added  one file "html-form-captcha.php" in iframe code

// JavaScript Document
document.write('<iframe scrolling="no" src="html-form-captcha.php" width="405" height="360px" frameborder="0" style="background-color:#FFF"></iframe>');

Support Files html-form-captcha.php Already Above code

Step 4 form.html
Create file "form.html" and  Added  one file "formurlcall.js" in call js file in static Webpage
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE> New Document </TITLE>
<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="">
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="">
Implement captcha in static web page solving problem using iframe
<div style="width:400px; height:auto; overflow:hidden;  margin:15px 0 0 0px">
<script language="javascript" src="formurlcall.js"></script>

Support Files formurlcall.js Already Above code

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